Scott Carnahan
Apr 13, 2024


Los Angeles, CA | Canon AE-1 | Reto Project Amber 800 Film

Slip loose
your noose
and vamoose.

It is time you outgrew
those lonely nights with takeout and vintage kung fu.
Stop focusing on the getting through;
Man, you’re quickly becoming a shrew.
All that grumbling will certainly accrue —
you need a breakthrough.

It's pretty severe,
time to start your coup —
if you don’t do it this year,
you’ll be one year older when you do.

RIP Warren Miller

February 6, 2024



Scott Carnahan

Cameras by trade, writer by plight. A story obsessed thunderstorm junkie armed with a journal - fueled with music. | Los Angeles, CA ⛈🏜🏔✨