When you let go, life will guide you.

How living in a snowed-in van helped me find my way.

Scott Carnahan


The Eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada range.

I’ve always had a need to control a situation, call it a yearning for independence or some sort of quest to prove that I am capable. When time ran out on my first attempt at Hollywood, I had to give that up.

A year of interning for free turned into minimum wage, two years of office slave work, and three years as a Production Assistant left me nowhere. I was just buying time with each job, waiting for my big break.

That break never came.

One night, camping beneath the stars, my girlfriend and I decided we were done with Los Angeles. The endless grind beneath the smog, the haunt of the helicopter, and the vast loneliness that only traffic can bring finally broke both of us.

We needed to find what it was we were missing in our lives, so we spent our savings on a campervan and the rest on a lap around the country. We returned to our hometown of Reno, Nevada completely broke and jobless.

The van on the Black Rock Desert.

Initially, our friends and family members were happy to see us and hear about the jaunt around the country. But after a…



Scott Carnahan

Cameras by trade, writer by plight. A story obsessed thunderstorm junkie armed with a journal - fueled with music. | Los Angeles, CA ⛈🏜🏔✨ scottjcarnahan.com